Light Seeds from the Earth

The access to the Light Seeds in the Earth treatment is one of the most recent methods and it became available in 2019. The crystals used in this treatment create the connection to the light seeds stored in the Earth. You experience the qualities of the light seeds collecting the information that shows. For some it might also be the information about geographical places on the earth where there are light seeds stored for them, that they can access now.

This method works with the set of 7 tumbled yellow-golden citrines, red garnet and 2 tumbled clear crystals.

Light Seeds from Heaven

The access to the Light Seeds in heaven treatment is one of the most recent methods and it became available in 2019. The crystals used in this treatment create the connection to the light seeds in heaven, that now want to come to the earth. You will make contact with the light seeds in heaven, open yourself for the flow from heaven to earth and experience what new wants to come into your life and your business.

This method works with the set of 7 tumbled yellow-golden citrines, red garnet, 7 tumbled clear crystals, purple fluorite and tumbled clear crystal.

Crystal Peace Bagua

peace bagua

The Peace Bagua treatment became available in 2020 and it serves the purpose of regaining access to the divine peace energy, which was brought to earth during the blossoming time of Atlantis. Divine peace was the ultimate aim of the solar plexus era on Earth. Peace and bliss intertwined, this is what Atlantis Crystal healers are to bring in now – for places, individuals, groups and businesses.

For this treatment it needs a combination of specially initiated high grade crystals, sacred mantras and a practitioner who has received the special initiation to be able to bring this peace. Through the unison of the infinite flow of bliss and the flow of divine peace ACH practitioners can open the peace locks, that exist at various places and in the energy field of people. This stimulates the creation flow of peace on earth, which has been silenced or interrupted through the downfall of Atlantis. At these places there are “pots” of golden peace which become accessible. When they are opened, the golden light of peace starts to flow.

The transformation of unresolved issues, levels and aspects into peace takes place.

This treatment may also be offered via distance using video call.

ACH Peace Fire

peace fire

The Atlantis Crystal healers Peace Fire became possible in 2021. Before these peace fires were the eternal fires that were kept in the sun temples during the time of Atlantis. Through this Peace Fire, the divine peace and bliss will come into the active flow of life in a new form.

ACH Peace Fire is part of the divine blueprint for the new time. It not only calms the solar plexus in the sense of making peace with old experiences, but it also helps to build up the peace energy and the new light structures.

With the Peace Fires, existing old structures and existing power structures, which still maintain the conflict on earth and which refuse the light, can be penetrated.

ACH Peace Fires make it easier to open the locks of the pots of peace from the blossoming period of Atlantis which are waiting to come to life as a liquid golden stream of light wherever it corresponds to the natural law.

With this fire quality not only places are touched and the sun temples energy presence is raised, but the beings can also be touched with this Peace Fire. They are touched in their core, their own golden inner core, in their core qualities that want to find expression in their life.
It is a very rich, warm, golden stream of light that naturally penetrates everything that has laid itself as layers around the core.

ACH Peace Fires connect directly with the divine creation levels of peace and with the original light. They support all forms of crystal healing and other forms of light healing.

This fire can surround the new DNA as a protective cover.
It creates a sacred space in which it is easier to open up for the new levels of consciousness.

ACH Peace Fire video

ACH Amethyst Point treatment

Specially initiated ACH Amethyst Point is used as a transformation crystal.
The treatment works on energy purification for the mental levels, head and mind, to make the whole being more permeable and receptive for one’s own higher levels of light and creation that want to come into life. Great anti-brain fog treatment and great support for adjusting one’s physical and energy bodies to the new DNA.

ACH Amethyst Point treatment became available in 2022.

Feng Shui with crystals


Crystals and gemstones are carriers of light. Their individual healing frequencies and light information positively influence the atmosphere in rooms and buildings. They can be used to create new lightful structures.

Anchoring of energy which is not yet in the time-space-continuum with the help of the crystals
Crystals can also be used to establish energy fields. With a special Feng Shui sign it is possible to anchor energies that charge the room in the most beneficial way. This can be done for indoor and outdoor areas as well as in nature and for Earth healing.
The Atlantis Crystal healer finds the right crystal or stone, that can take in that specific energy for the intended place and purpose. The crystal that is used for this method should be kept in this place permanently.

Aligning Earth keeper crystals to starlight information
Atlantis Crystal healer can align the earth-keeper guardian crystals, which exist deep inside the earth, to starlight worlds, systems and planets. This creates a starlight connection for places and rooms. It serves as a feng shui upgrade for a place.

Crystal Mandala
The Crystal mandala built by an Atlantis Crystal healer brings the support from the starlight worlds and new dimensions of Christlight for the new creation flow into the space or room where it is being built. People who are present (in a seminar, workshop or ritual) can make contact with this energy and benefit from it.
For the landscapes and places it invites these new light levels to the place, so that they can anchor themselves on earth.

Fire Opal for animals

The fire opal carries the knowledge and the power of Shiva. It grants transformation and healing in the sacral chakra. It is especially supportive for trauma release. It enhances courage and confidence. The fire opal stimulates the dynamic, creative power and ignites the inner fire in the sacral chakra.

Animals respond to this treatment very well, because their vital energy is enhanced by the orange light from the sacral chakra.

Fire Crystals for animals and earth

Fire Crystal for places

Fire crystals are initiated with the holy fire. They support any kind of transformation.

For animals they are used with a specific application on the body or in the aura. They penetrate hardened structures and help to open for the new. They are especially supportive when a lot of things in your life are changing or are waiting to be changed.

Fire crystals can also be used for places where they provide  ongoing transformation energy.

Crystal Surgery for animals

Crystal surgeries are done with two especially selected and initiated crystals. The laser crystal works like a scalpel: It cleanses and frees the affected area. The conductor crystal fills the cleansed area with new energy and light. Crystal surgery can be done for the physical body and also for the energy bodies. They penetrate the problematic fields and encourage a new flow of life energy. Crystal surgery stimulates your body’s self-healing and self-regulatory powers. All physical symptoms can be positively influenced with crystal surgery. It transforms stagnant energies and stimulates a new energy flow. The strong light power of these crystals reaches the causal level, which allows deep healing. Crystal surgery can be done as a preparation for a surgery as well as a follow up treatment. Crystal surgery stimulates the convalescence and your body’s vital energy.

Cellular Healing for animals

With this especially initiated crystal pair (obsidian sphere and crystal), it is possible to transform misinformation in the body cells. Anything from small illnesses like a cold to aggressive diseases like cancer, it is always the misinformation in the body cells that causes the symptoms. The obsidian sphere absorbs negative energy, the crystal brings in ‘healthy’ light information. This leads to removal of scum. Your body’s energy flow is stimulated; the self-healing and self-regulatory powers are strengthened as the body can take in the positive information straight away. This method can be used for any form of physical impairment. It can be used as a preventative measure or during times of illness. It is especially powerful in combination with crystal surgery.

Crystalline Implants for animals

By using special storage crystals, it is possible to implant the light matrix into the physical body. This makes it possible to bring the complete original information back into dysfunctional or affected parts of the body. The body receives a depot with healthy light information. This works great to improve the regeneration of the physical body. Crystalline implants can be used for the organs and the locomotory system.

Rose quartz and malachites support the integration of the crystalline implant.

Spinal Crystal Healing for animals

The spine crystal frees and enhances the flow in the spine channel. The spine crystal cleanses the complete energy channel in the spine. Stagnant energies are removed. In combination with chakra crystals, isolated aspects can be brought back into the main energy flow. This brings relaxation and a feeling of unity with yourself. Tension in the body can be balanced with the spine crystal. The spine crystal makes it possible to let go of old issues and to open for a new flow. It helps the body to free itself from symptoms of somatisation.

Herkimer method for animals and landscapes

Herkimer Crystals carry an extraordinary power of light, which makes it possible to use them for breaking through deep blockages. In connection with holy mantras and holy sounds the light power of the Herkimer crystals is released. Blockages often have their root in the aura, even though the problems or issues appear in the physical body. The Herkimer method can be used for therapy-resistant cases, as it transforms the underlying blockage. Your own healing path becomes clear and you can move on.

The Golden Crystal for animals and landscapes

The golden crystal carries the light information of the golden original crystal. It serves the purpose to bring the light of the golden waves for the new golden age into our bodies. The golden crystal creates adjusts your vibration frequency to the golden light. It eases the changes which are happening due to the global transformation on Earth in our physical body and in our energy bodies. The golden crystal makes it easier to integrate the golden light and to bring it into a flow. The golden crystal penetrates areas and layers, which are hindering the ascension process. The golden crystal brings a harmonisation between the body’s energy and the light that wants to be part of life. It raises your energy. Light impulses from heaven and from the worlds of light can communicate more freely.

Chakra Healing & Implantation for animals and earth

The variety of crystals with all their unique colours and frequencies corresponds to our chakra system. Chakra crystals carry healing frequencies and light information, which is directly passed on to the chakras during the chakra healing and implantation. This increases the reception ability of light in your chakras and brings deep healing on chakra level. By diving into this personal healing space you can experience balance and harmony. Our chakras contain our own creation levels; we create our life based on our chakra potential. All areas of life and all issues always have an equivalent in our chakras. The colourful diversity of the chakra crystals is applied with these two methods. Wounds and injuries from the past are healed, creation levels and potential in the chakras are awakened, and deficits are balanced. You can experience your own light in abundance and your own completeness. Chakra healing reaches to the deepest level and achieve healing in the cause of the problem for animals and for places.

If a chakra of the animal  is especially needy, the chakra implantation method creates a light depot in the chakra.

Lotus Diamond for animals and places

The treatment with the Lotus Diamond can be applied for all chakras to connect with the fire quality and creation levels in each chakra and to raise the light vibration, or the treatment can be applied specifically for the heart chakra or the solar plexus chakra.

For the heart chakra the Lotus Diamond awakens and enhances the creation levels of the heart chakra.

For the solar plexus chakra the Lotus Diamond enhances to be in the flow with one’s self. It strengthens the golden light of peace.

Power Places & Stone Circles for animals and outdoor places

Atlantis Crystal Healers can create power places with nature stones and also with specific crystals. It is possible to create stone circles with nature stones which serve as power places, places of healing and wisdom. They are created for specific topics in your garden or in nature. They contain the crystal knowledge as it is stored and guarded deeply within the Earth. These stone circles create access to levels of knowledge. They are a wonderful support to work on your and your animals issues and to access the potential.

The Crystalline creation places
They are very special power places that bring you into contact with the creation history of Earth. They are usually created for light centres or at established power places to receive a stronger connection to your own creation history. The creation history of Earth, which is stored in the guardian crystals in the Earth, can be experienced in these places.

The creation of places for the New Age
In alignment to the creation levels of the four directions (north, east, south, west) your own creation power in unity of heaven and Earth can be experienced. Creation impulses become clear and can be manifested on Earth. Carried by the energy of the avatars, your own creation power becomes tangible. Your core qualities start to show.

The White Golden Lotus Power Place
Through the new permeability the light from heaven, that strives for manifestation, can enter the earth more easily. When this happens the supportive light levels within the earth awaken and flow upwards to join the light from heaven in a common flow.
To support earth for the new permeability the ACH can set up a new power place using pointed quartz crystals and tumbled white-golden crystals (rutilated quartz).
They are aligned to the 4 directions and their new creation levels.
It can be created for clients as a healing treatment and also as part of landscape or house feng shui to establish the new energy connection.

Light Matrix Crystal for the Earth

In the earth’s atmosphere, the light matrix of earth is forming. This light matrix carries the creation information for the new age.

The light matrix crystal brings this new light information to places on earth. A new structure is formed, which matches the light matrix of the place. This supports the manifestation of light on earth.

New Moon Crystals for the Earth

The manifestation of the Golden Age is happening in waves. The golden light from heaven brings the light impulses to earth which are received through the Shakti energy. New creation is creating itself. This follows the rhythm of the moon as the female creation energies are connected with the rhythm and the cycles of the moon. With every new moon, new energies are coming to earth. These new energies are charged into the new moon crystal. New moon crystals are carried on the heart chakra. They enhance the flow of the golden waves to earth. They support each individual but also earth in its new creation flow. The more people wear a new moon crystal, the easier the light from heaven can unite with earth. For the individual, the new moon crystal supports the flow from your own heaven to Earth. It brings joy and ease into your life.

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