New Moon Message (24 March, 2020)

monthly message

New Moon Message 24.03.2020
The veils clouding the consciousness are lifted.

Large energy changes are currently taking place on Earth. The collective consciousness, as well as the world’s consciousness, and the individual consciousness can enter completely new levels than before. The veils that have covered human consciousness over time are slowly lifting. There is an awakening within the larger picture, in order to be able to perceive beyond the limited human perception. Being trapped or tied up in certain situations, be it in your own life or globally, is now over. The transformative power of light is currently very strong. The longing in people’s hearts is so strong that the veils can be lifted.

It is the remnants of the dark age, the levels of illusion that have condensed on earth in the dark age, that are now penetrated and dissolved so that anyone who is ready can be in constant and direct contact with their divine self. The leadership impulses from the light worlds, the visions of the soul for one’s own life on earth, the comprehension of global links, the coming into contact with solution levels beyond polarity, all of this can now happen for everyone and everywhere, not just for a select few. It shakes and rattles on the self-created borders. It takes devotion and willingness to change. This invites the supportive transformation and light forces to elevate awareness and to open up new levels. Millennia-old fog and old veils happily begin to dissolve.

Inner recognition beyond the norms set by the outside, the collective currents of the people and the light-avoiding forces becomes possible. It is like a return to yourself, free from the imprint of your own history, what you have experienced so far and the structures of consciousness that have arisen through family, work or upbringing. All of this can and will change.

The longing for truth, for truthfulness, for recognition grows. The call of the soul wants answers. The perception of what is real begins to communicate more and more. At the moment, maybe as a quiet voice, as a fleeting thought or as a short impulse. If this is listened to, recognition and correct assignment take place.

A clear and aligned connection to one’s own divine light, to the consciousness of the soul is required in order to uncover the previously unused potential.
New streams of knowledge come to earth. Starlight is the pioneer and door opener. All who are currently incarnated on Earth and have decided to serve the Light bring knowledge, insights and new opportunities to Earth. What has already been done and lived in one’s own light home, is now actively participating in the creation of light on Earth.

A strong light force is needed that penetrates the earthly fields and transforms the old resonances. There is no quick fix for the changes that lie ahead. There are solution paths that can be followed. Everyone who is truly ready and wants to reach the new levels of consciousness should practice daily light hygiene in order to keep their own energy system clean and not to fall into the next trap that the surrounding fields have ready for them.

There are beings, that can give clear guidance, which can transmit information from the spiritual world through the purity of their hearts and their clear access to the light. There are initiators who move forward through their living example and inspire others.
The mental fields, the stored thought patterns, all of this wants to be penetrated.

Invite the light of transformation from heaven through your lotus chakra. Again and again until you realise that you no longer serve old resonances in yourself. The starlight from Alpha and the Pleiades is particularly supportive for this time. You can invite it directly into your incarnated being or use the Starlight Essences from Alpha and the Pleiades for yourself.

Om Namah Shivaya

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